2011年8月30日 星期二

Elder Care - Getting to the Bottom of the Memory Problem

When you approach your medical professional regarding memory issues, what should you expect during the diagnosis period? There are several things that you should expect to be included in a good medical workup when there is memory loss.
A complete physical with medical history - Did you know that only 30% of physicians will do a complete medical workup on patients with presenting dementia symptoms after the age of 75? This is inexcusable when so many easily treatable conditions can cause memory issues.
A neurological workup- This should include brain scans such as an MRI, PET Scan, or Cat Scan. Often the physician will refer the patient to a neurologist who specializes in geriatric patients.
A complete history from the family of what is going on-Do not expect the patient to be able to give a good picture. The patient is having memory issues. They will not be able to give a good picture of the symptoms.
A thorough medication review- Medication interactions are a common cause of dementia symptoms. Once corrected, the symptoms may disappear. Even many over the counter medications may cause memory problems.
Neuropsychological Testing-This may include things such as the MMSE, the Alz Self-Test, or other screens. The value of these tests is that we get a picture of where the person is now cognitively, as well as establishing a baseline for later exams.
Follow-up- You should expect good follow-up from the physician. There will be test results to review, medications to monitor, as well as support to offer.
Referrals as needed- Your physician may refer you to a clinic in your area that specializes in dementia care and treatment. He may also refer you to a Geriatric Care Manager who will offer guidance and expertise for your area resources, along this very difficult road. This is also the time to seek an Elder Care Attorney to make sure your documents are in order. Your Geriatric Care Manager will help you find a reputable Elder Care Attorney.

Do not let your doctor ignore your symptoms. If you feel that you are not getting the care you deserve, please take the time to look for another doctor. Ask your network of friends, or look for a community expert such as a in your area. Insisting on a thorough medical workup may mean a huge difference in the rest of your life.

1 則留言:

  1. I agree with you that finding a good and committed doctor is the most fundamental step to take in diagnosing and curing memory loss issues for elderly. At the stage where aged parents are already suffering from symptoms of dementia, it is especially important for family members such as children to step in and lead their parents to a reputable and responsible doctor who treats such cases with care. Sometimes, being open about such family issues could be a good step to take. Sharing encounters with friends and colleagues could very well lead to a trusted referral from someone with the same experience. What else family members can do at this stage is to read up more on dementia and how to adjust their lifestyle to cope with it. I've come across a E-book which contains useful tips I'd like to share here. Here's the link: http://www.elderlyandagingcare.com/pd--p-11463-a-0-ex-0-pn-Self-Improvement---Memory-Improvement.html
