2011年7月17日 星期日

Staying Healthy During Your Senior Years

As a person moves into their senior years, their body changes in a number of ways. While this is a part of the human experience that all should embrace, it is important to know and recognize what is happening to better prepare for this change.

Bones: One of the first changes that many people notice when they move into their senior years is the development of osteoporosis. Of course not everyone gets osteoporosis, though a large part of the population will be affected by it in some way. This condition causes the bones to thin which increases the risk that a broken bone or fracture will occur as a result of a fall.

Skin: It is important to protect your skin in your younger years so it looks good as you age. Avoid smoking and excessive sun.

Brain and Nervous System: As a person ages the neural pathways in their brain begin to deteriorate. While every older person will experience some form of forgetfulness, in some this deterioration will lead to Alzheimer's. The good news is, it is possible to mitigate these effects by staying mentally active. Staying mentally active is not hard; it can be done by regular socializing and reading.

Cardiovascular System: When a person moves into their senior years they need to pay particular attention to their cardiovascular health. The heart and the circulatory system will get weaker, and will need to work harder to pump blood around the body. It is important that a senior gets regular exercise and has a healthy diet to ensure the best possible cardiovascular health. Avoiding high cholesterol and fatty foods is a great place to start.

While some seniors may see managing their health as a daunting task, it is anything but. There are many simple steps that can be followed, or easy conditions adhered to, that will help a senior manage their health.

The four simplest ways that a senior can maintain their health are ensuring that they get regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, limiting the amount of alcohol they consume, and quitting smoking. In addition a senior should get regular checkups from their doctor, and follow the doctor's directions closely.

The aging process is part of the human experience, and it should be embraced. While it will involve some physical changes that may require lifestyle changes, these changes are easy to manage, and will result in a person's senior years being healthy and fulfilling.

Alice Lucette is a writer for SeniorsZen.com, a great resource for Senior Housing in Canada, where you can compare senior care providers' Services & Costs for Free, read educational articles, and watch videos on a range of topics related to senior care.

If you are looking for an Assisted Living in Canada, Home Care, Residential Care Home, Independent Living Facility, Memory Care or Nursing Home, browse Senior Housing directory at SeniorsZen.com.

