2011年7月22日 星期五

Quality Home Care For The Bedridden

Being bedridden indeed provides a great deal of distress and inconvenience to a patient. While it is hard to care for someone who is bedridden, just remember that the person itself is experiencing a lot of difficulty. Fortunately, home care makes way for family members, friends, medical professionals and caregivers to help each other in providing care and attention to a loved one who is confined to bed. Staying and recovering at home can be a lot more pleasant for bedridden patients than staying in hospitals. The ambiance at home is a lot better and definitely provides a feeling of comfort. In order to make sure that quality care is provided to the patient, there are some important factors to remember:

1. Hygiene

Patients should take a bath everyday. Make sure that they wear fresh clothes and that their sheets are clean. Sheets can be changed every 4 to 5 days or when they are already soiled. Help them brush their teeth especially after they eat. Regular grooming should also be done. Help the patients shave, comb the hair, apply lotion to prevent dry skin and also trim the fingernails and the toenails. These will not only make them feel clean, but will also make them feel better.

2. Comfort

It's not easy to lie on your back for hours without feeling muscle pains or joint pains. The bed should be comfortable enough for the patient by making sure that it is not too soft nor too firm. When lying down, the arms and legs should be positioned comfortably. Place pillows at the back for support when the patient is sitting up. When home care providers or family members need to move the patients, let them know to gain their support. In cases when a patient is no longer able to help himself move, people can use another sheet to move him out of or around the bed.

3. Nutrition

Nutrition is also very important for bedridden patients. Make sure that they eat right by preparing nutritious meals. Snacks should be provided when the patients are hungry and they should also be given plenty of liquids throughout the day. If there's a special diet recommended by the doctor, follow it and check restrictions or foods to avoid.

4. Preventing Bed Sores

Bed sores are common skin ailments of the bedridden. In order to prevent these sores from emerging, make sure that patients change their position in bed regularly. They shouldn't be lying or sitting in the same position for a very long time. You can try to let the patient stretch or move some joints to prevent sores.

5. Entertainment

One thing that can make bedridden patients irritable is boredom. Since they are confined to their bed, they don't have a lot to do everyday. Entertain them by letting friends visit, placing a TV inside the room, providing them with reading materials or a computer to surf the internet. These can help them pass the time and make them feel a lot better.

Learn why home care is beneficial for bedridden loved ones. Click here and know how you can change their lives.

