2011年7月31日 星期日

Protecting your Folks from Dry Itchy Skin

As an individual, we don’t want our skin to suffer from itch and dryness. This can be annoying as we can’t help it but to starch affected portion of our skin. What more if this occurs to aged elderly? This can pose big challenge to you as senior caregiver.

What causes dry itchy skin?

Leading cause of dry itchy skin is cold weather (winter). At this time of the year, the humidity is very low resulting to dry air. Dry air can cause depletion to skin’s natural lipid layer. Due to this, our skin continues from drying out.

Medications can also cause skin itch and dryness to aged elderly people. What to do to prevent this skin problems?

Tips to Prevent Dry Itchy Skin among Elderly

Elder’s skin is drying out because it is lacking with adequate moisture. In order to hold in moisture in their skin, put moisturizing lotion right after they took a bath.Do not use scented lotions and soaps for elders. Instead, use soap with moisturizing cream to keep your elder’s skin from drying out.Keep them away from drinking alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. Instead, encourage them to drink more water to keep them hydrated.Utilize humidifier in elder’s room. Humidifier helps in maintaining moisture in the air especially in winter season.When your elder wants to go out, make sure he/she is protected with adequate moisturizing and sun block lotion. It is advisable to make them wear sunscreen with SPF30 and a hat to protect their skin from destructive sun UV rays.

By following above tips, you will be able to provide your folks their needed elderly care and assistance especially in taking care of their skin.

Tags: ‧ Elder’s skin, aged elderly, aged elderly people, among elderly, elderly care, senior caregiver

