Let's face it, none of us are going to stay young forever, it's that simple, we grow up, we get old and that is the simple facts of life. That doesn't mean we need to give up the minute we finally realize that there is no way of stopping the aging process! Heck no! Take care of yourself the best that you can so that you can continue to enjoy life in the face of aging.
It's important that you do some sort of exercise as often as you can handle it. Some people when they age have no problems and can pretty much continue with heavy duty exercise, but others may have limitations and that's OK too. Even the smallest amount of exercise on a regular basis is better than none at all.
Make sure that you eat good. It's important that you try and maintain a balanced diet one that is filled with fruits, veggies, different kinds of nuts and seeds and fish oil or omega 3 acids. Some of the best things you can include in your diet are foods like spinach, garlic and blueberries. These are great antioxidants and help to fight the free radicals in your body that speed up the aging process. Note to remember, the more colorful the fruit or the vegetable is the better chance that it has a higher antioxidant content.
Other good foods for your body and a healthy brain are foods with high fatty acids, some of those foods are fish, nuts, olive oil and avocados. They are also a great source of vitamin E and some think they will help to ward off diseases like Alzheimer's.
Drink lots of fluids. Not just water either, although a good amount of water is required for anyone to stay healthy, but feel free to add coffee, tea and fresh juice to the mix. You should however try to avoid sodas with sugar, prepared juice and keep the alcohol consumption to a minimum.
Water is great for digestion and getting rid of the toxins in our bodies and coffee and caffeinated teas have wonderful antioxidant agents in them that not only fights the free radicals but also helps to increase our cognitive thinking. The herbal teas are good for digestion as well and some of them tend to help calm the nerves as well and boost your immune system.
Continue to learn. You are never too old to learn something new. It can be said that to stop learning is to stop living. Make sure that you do a lot of different things that will help to stimulate your brain. Continue to read new books, take classes that you never would have taken when you were younger because you simply didn't have the time. Work crosswords or Sudoku, play a variety of different games that will help stimulate your keep your mind challenged.
Get rid of stress in your life. Stress is one of the most toxic elements around that will make you sick. It's one of the worst things you can do for your heart especially and is known to raise the blood pressure higher and quicker than anything else.
Find ways to relieve stress. Take time off by yourself and just listen to soothing music, or sit in the backyard and listen to the birds sing. Learn to meditate or take some extra time out to pray. Whatever has a calming affect on you, you need to do it so that you can ward off the stress in your life.
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