In Plano Texas there are several assisted living facilities to choose from
but each one may fall under a different class.
There are different class facilities of elder care that are equiped to handle certain types of residents in Plano.
The class of facilities start at A and go up to D. Knowing the class of facility is not important at the outset of searching for an elder care facility in Plano TX but it is good information to have on hand.
Some assisted living facilities will attempt to sign a lease for your parent even while knowing they need placed in a licenced alzheimers care facility. These type of Plano TX assisted living facilities skirt the rules and regulations as the ease of comvincing and moving someone in does not take much and the profits can ve huge.
A typical Plano elderly care facility will make around $3,000 per month on the room, board, care, and daily meals per resident. The managers at these places get a significant portion of their income from bonuses based on staying under budget.
These large bonuses force Plano TX assisted living communities to hire less desirable care workers who make minimum wage or very close to it. It is common for these employees to only do the bare minimum while your elderly loved one sits soiled in their clothes over night.
When shopping for Plano elder care facilities take time to go into the facility at night and during the day. Meet the care workers as they are the ones who will take care of your loved one daily.
Also keep in mind that an older facility near a loved one who can more easily visit is better than a nicer newer facility farther a way from relatives who could normally drop by for a visit.
In summary we recommend a Plano TX assisted living community nearby that has a good care staff with the right ratio of workers to residents. Be sure to go in at night and monitor how the care workers do their job if you are suspicious of lack of care which often happens during the evening and sleeping hours.